1.Thing you cannot leave the house without? I can not leave the house without my purse.
2.Favorite brand of makeup? My favorite brand of makeup is Mac.
3.Favorite Flowers? My favorite flowers are roses and jasmines.
4.Fav clothing stores? My favorite clothing stores are Nordstrom Rack, Macy's, and Target.
5.Fav perfume? My favorite perfume is Midnight Rose and Tea Rose. (Wow, I really love roses, don't I?)
6.Heels or flats? Flats! :)
7.Do you make good grades? Yes.
8.Fav colors? My favorite colors are Teal and Magenta.
9.Do you drink energy drinks? Well, not Monster and RedBull, but I drink Propel.
10.Do you drink juice? Yes. I love orange and apple juice! :)
11.Do you like swimming? Eh, not really.
12.Do you eat fries with a fork? No! Oh my god, who does that? No offense if anyone does.
13.Whats your fav moisturizer? My favorite mosturizer is the Aveeno Ultra-Calm Daily Moisturizer.
14.Do you want to get married later on in life? Haha, good question. Probably not. Maybe if I meet the right guy, then yes.
15.Do you get mad easily? Haha yeah, I do.
16.Are you into ghost hunting? No.
17.Any phobias? I have a fear of death, sharks, and bees.
18.Do you bite your nails? Yeah, unfortunately. But, now that I'm wearing nail polish, hopefully I'll stop.
19.Have you ever had a near death experience? Yeah, once. I'll describe it in another post.
20.Do you drink coffee? Well, I drink cold coffee sometimes, but besides that, no.

Thanks for reading! :)
2.Favorite brand of makeup? My favorite brand of makeup is Mac.
3.Favorite Flowers? My favorite flowers are roses and jasmines.
4.Fav clothing stores? My favorite clothing stores are Nordstrom Rack, Macy's, and Target.
5.Fav perfume? My favorite perfume is Midnight Rose and Tea Rose. (Wow, I really love roses, don't I?)
6.Heels or flats? Flats! :)
7.Do you make good grades? Yes.
8.Fav colors? My favorite colors are Teal and Magenta.
9.Do you drink energy drinks? Well, not Monster and RedBull, but I drink Propel.
10.Do you drink juice? Yes. I love orange and apple juice! :)
11.Do you like swimming? Eh, not really.
12.Do you eat fries with a fork? No! Oh my god, who does that? No offense if anyone does.
13.Whats your fav moisturizer? My favorite mosturizer is the Aveeno Ultra-Calm Daily Moisturizer.
14.Do you want to get married later on in life? Haha, good question. Probably not. Maybe if I meet the right guy, then yes.
15.Do you get mad easily? Haha yeah, I do.
16.Are you into ghost hunting? No.
17.Any phobias? I have a fear of death, sharks, and bees.
18.Do you bite your nails? Yeah, unfortunately. But, now that I'm wearing nail polish, hopefully I'll stop.
19.Have you ever had a near death experience? Yeah, once. I'll describe it in another post.
20.Do you drink coffee? Well, I drink cold coffee sometimes, but besides that, no.
Thanks for reading! :)